sketch action

A while ago I wrote a new sketch action for Photoshop. An action is a list of commands performed in succession, a branchless program that takes a photo as input and outputs a fake sketch. Here's some results. (Click to enlarge.) What do you think?


Mike Stay said…
Can you sell it? It's that good.
Ds said…
I really like it. It seems to be able to very different types of sketches. Do you give it some parameters to work with or do some pre editing of the picture?
tpmotd said…
I think they look cool, but that they don't look like pencil sketches. That doesn't mean I wish I had photoshop and your action to go with it, though!
D said…
It creates 3 layers: a blurry "smudge layer" with light and dark values, a detailed "edge layer", and a "sketchiness layer" that adds in the sketch guidelines. It's the sketchiness layer that really sets this apart from earlier sketch actions other people have designed. So by varying the opacity of these layers, you can get the effect you want.
Of course, if I follow the steps of the action manually there's hundreds of parameters I can tweak.
D said…
What makes you think they don't look like pencil sketches, Steve? I think they do, personally, but sometimes when I make something I can't see it objectively. Maybe I could improve it.
Sam said…
Doug, that is pretty amazing.
Ds said…
Could you make something like this on GIMP? I'd love to have access to it. We have an old x,y plotter printer in our lab and I was thinking it would be cool to fix it up so that you could have these drawn in pencil.
Ds said…
Could you do this with some famous art pieces and have practice sketches of the art?
D said…
David, I couldn't make something like this for Gimp. I don't even understand how it works myself. As for the practice sketches for famous paintings, that wouldn't be difficult.
Anonymous said…
Redfiels Fractalius plug in do the some. Its amazing.

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